Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012 -- Arrived home at 4:10 this afternoon. Had a great winter in Arizona and California. Seen friends we've made out there. It is a long trip out there and back, but we really love that area. It was probably 2100 miles to home from Casa Grande, Arizona. Haven't taken the exact mileage when we got home, but that is what we figured it would be last night.

It was so very nice to have Sheri family, Laura's family, Hannah, and Megan here to welcome us home.

Great sign -- Willis Road.

WooHoo Michigan.

Missed the picture of entering Ohio. We came into Ohio on US 24 out of Fort Wayne. Now we have gotten on 465 around Toledo. Love seeing Ann Arbor.

WooHoo Indiana. Counting them down.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012 -- We are staying the night in Effingham, IL. We should be home by late afternoon tomorrow.