Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012 -- We visited The Living Desert last year. Had said before coming out here that we wouldn't see the same things we did last year. BUT I have a wonderful, loving, sweetheart of a husband, LOL. I love zoos, so we spend all afternoon walking around this zoo. (The feet knew it too).

The weather was very good too. Sunny and 72 degrees with no wind.

Such a great place to visit. A different kind of zoo. It has desert type sitting. Located in Palm Desert/Indian Wells, CA.

Okay, this really needs to stay at the zoo. It is a snake all curled up inside. No thank you.

One of those animals we don't remember it's name.

This is a ringtail all curled up in the cylinder.

The is a Badger.

This is a beautiful Mexican Wolf. But we don't need these in United States. So let's hope they don't come across the border.

Mountain sheep. They had 7 of them there. Look at those horns, the females and males both have horns.

Here is the mouse/rat that the golden eagle was very happy to go to the stand. Don't think I could work at the zoo and handle these mice/rats. I don't care if they are dead.

They used a treat on the stand which will get him here with no problem. The next picture shows what it is. One huge bird. The wing span in unbelievable. It is a golden eagle, 7 ft wing span.

Such a pretty bird. It is an endangered bird. None in the world in the wild.

This was made from square tapered concrete nails and then welded together.

Really wanted to get a picture of the new baby giraffe. But they weren't to be seen, behind a little hill.

These cows as I remember are from Africa. Look at these horns, huge.

Look at the horns on these cows. I believe they are from Africa.

Such a beautiful picture. Bob say as he recalls this is a Cheetah. We couldn't see him very well with the naked eye, but this was great. Zoom lens are great.

Pretty picture and yes the animal is too.

This is a Jaguar. He was pacing back and forth, very hard to get a good picture. Bob must have taken six pictures, this was the best. It was pretty as long as he was in the cage.