Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012 -- Had a great day at the Yuma Rodeo. We had to drive 1-1/2 hours to get there. But we have driven that drive other years, it is mostly desert driving on a good road.

The Rodeo last for 2-1/2 hours. I only took pictures of one of each event, as long as it turned out. Thank goodness for digital so you know how it looks and having a good zoom sure helps the pictures turn out too. We have gone to different Rodeos and really enjoy them. (I thought these pictures turned out so good).

After the Rodeo we went out to eat. The area we are parked in doesn't have the "Valentine" type restaurants so enjoyed going out early for the dinner at Logan's Steakhouse. We were back to the resort before dusk.

This young boy rode his pony around the arena and then put all feet on this stand while the National Anthem was sang by a teenager from Yuma. She did much better than some of the music stars do on TV.

Actually this guy stayed on a little longer to qualify for riding it to the end. I hope these guys have a good chiropractor after they get off these horses.

He roped the calf and he did get him tied too. After tying these calves they have to stay tied up for 6 seconds. There was a couple that didn't stay tied. Always sad after all the guys do up to that point.

During the rodeo we had different airplanes come into the Yuma International Airport and the United States Marine Corp Air Station across the road. The Airport and the Air Station share the some of the same facilities. Really don't know what this one was, but there was three different ones like this one.

One of the men riding the bucking horse.

This is one of the men that was riding the bucking horses. As you see the other rider is trying to help him get off the horse.

This is one of the little ones doing what is called "Mutten Busten". These little ones are usually 1, 2, 3, 4 years old. Not my little one. They hold on to the wool and ride. Usually doesn't last long. Cute to watch.

He has already ridden out and lassoed the calf. Now getting ready to tie him up. See next picture.

This is calf roping.

This is two men calf roping. One ropes the horn and one a leg, maybe two legs (?). Looks very difficult, keep the rope on the horn and also roping the leg.

Seen some great barrel racing by the girls. This is one. Sure miss the movement of the riders when taking their picture. LOL

Wow, Just love to see the bull riding, as long as know one gets hurt. After one of the riders got off the bull, the bull decided to take one of the other men up and over the fence. He was fine. These men can really hurry when a bull is after them.