Sunday, January 1, 2012

We ate breakfast this morning at the campground cafe. It was about 8:40 a.m. when we left there. Knowing we were a little later than we'd like to be it was really nice to see "entering Mountain Time Zone". So instead of it being 8:40 a.m. when we left it ended up being 7:40 a.m. In about 15 miles we gained one hour.
The next three pictures are of a Redwood Tree trunk made into a house. You can read the sign that was near the back, couldn't get a picture of the front sign. This was really odd to see when we came upon this sight.

Made it to New Mexico.

My mountains, I love the mountains.

We made it!!!! Beautiful weather when we got here. Today's temperature was in the 70's, with more 70's to come this week. We are at Benson, AZ for three days.