Friday, February 12, 2010

For those of you that hasn't seen this before. You take the sticker that comes with the map and when you've been there you put that state's sticker on the map.

Grandkids remember our conversation while camping this past summer. You said we'd fill in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona while we were gone this coming Winter. So as you can see they are filled in. Now Grandpa and I are discussing the fact that the trailer will not be in California and Nevada, but we will be with just the truck. Now he says he will drive it into those states in order to say we were there. So he's putting a sticker on those states and I don't think he should. What is your opinion. LOL - It might not matter, but I want to hear your opinion.

Anyone else having opinion can email me or even call me. LOL
These nine pictures today are from the trip to Oakman, Arizona last Monday. I am finally able to get on the blog to download pictures. Today is a beautiful clear sunny day. There isn't a cloud in the sky and it is to be 73 today. Heading outside when I finish these pictures.

On our way to Oatman, Arizona, via of Route 66. There is about 25 miles of desert and mountains to get there. It sounds like a long drive, but it is very nice. I had to laugh when I said desert drive, that is what Arizona is -- desert. I have to limit myself to how many pictures of take of the different mountain ranges.

Look closely and you'll see the coyote. So nothing different from home having coyote. We've seen our third coyote here. We actually had one cross at the end of our campground, we aren't parked at the end, but we seen it in the middle of the day.

A picture of Oatman, old mining town, on Route 66. This is an old mining down with new merchandise for shopping. It also has shops with antique items Bob & I could remember our grandmother having in the kitchen and also antique used outside by the Grandfathers and Fathers. This place also had a comedy gun fight in the middle of the road. It is such a neat town. We were here on our last trip to Arizona in 2000 and nothing has changed. It stays an old town

Hopefully you can read this sign. It tells the story of Oatman and the burros.

This picture and the next are taken at Oatman Saloon, where we ate our lunch. We asked the bartender what the dollar bills signified. She said the miners made $1.00 a day and they would attach their dollar on the wall with their name on it and then when they'd get a drink a mark would be made on the dollar. The drink was ONLY $0.05each. That dollar would last a long time back then. LOL This whole saloon was covered with dollar bills.

This picture was taken as we were leaving Oatman. These burros were on their way into town. There is a picture taken telling about these burros. They aren't afraid of your car. They are hoping you will feed them.

This is one our way back to Lake Havasu from Oatman, AZ. We were in Oatman and on the way back to trailer we realized we had crossed into Nevada, then California and back to Arizona. All in a matter of a short time. This is the sun setting behind a mountain range.