Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We had a great day today. Enjoyed seeing the sights with Jr. & Luanne.

We went to Hoover Dam. As you will see they have completed the new bridge and it is quite a sight to see the Hoover Dam from up there. So neat they made a walkway for people to be able to walk out and look at the Dam from way up high.

We then went to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Seen some two toned mountain. Really a nice drive thru the this area. How rocks end up looking like this is interesting.

Ended the evening with a card game back at the trailer. We played three games yesterday and three games tonight. Luanne & I won two games yesterday and tonight Bob & Jr won two games. I guess we are tied now.

The new bridge overlooking the Hoover Dam is dedicated to these two men.

This is the walkway at the new bridge overlooking the Hoover Dam.

Taken from the new bridge over the Hoover Dam. What a view from way up here. This bridge is to help take traffic off the actually Hoover Dam bridge. In fact, this year we were screened before driving near the bridge. Only people driving down by the dam bridge were screened.

This picture of Jr & Luanne is taken while standing at the Hoover Dam.

This is the picture of the high bridge that overlooks the Hoover Dam. Last year when we were here with Sheri & Mark they hadn't connected the bridge.

This is outside of the High Scaler Cafe. Some of the people working on the mountains to build the Hoover Dam were called High Scalers.

We had never been to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. The rocks are really different. These are very different from Sedona, but very interesting. This place is about 20 miles west Las Vegas. The next four pictures are just different pictures of the rock. As you will see some are with two toned colors.

There was different areas of these rocks that had mountain climbers. This was one area.

This was taken Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. As we were at the end of our 13 mile drive around the canyon road. These are wild burros. There was two of them. They also had signs that there are wild horses in this area. We didn't see any of them.