Monday, January 25, 2010

This should have been put on the blog last night. But late yesterday I started having a problem with sinus. So last night I really didn't feel like doing anything.

We left the campground around 11:30 yesterday morning and went to a "sell-a-rama", one HUGE Flea Market at Quartzsite. We started out stopping at a rock, gem, stone or what have you flea market. Well to us one stone looks like another and we really didn't want to buy a "stone or rock"!!!

We walked around this other flea market for quite awhile. I had a lot of interesting things. A lot of people there and these are only held on weekends. There will be a Arts & Craft Fair next weekend. Plan to go to that, time will tell.

We left there and drove north to Parker, just site seeing. Decided to go on through and head back on the Calfornia side of Colorado River. When we went though the Inspection Agriculture station she ask where we had been and where we were going. Told her and said we were going back to Ehrenberg via Blythe. She told us to take this California 95, but there will be a place to turn left over the Colorado River and then go back to Ehrenberg. They had flooded area on California 95 side toward Blythe. That is from the rains that we got in Phoenix area.

Today we made the trip to Blythe to the grocery store. Otherwise we plan on staying put at the campground today. The sinus headache is still there and bending over makes the head feel like it is going to explode. Give a few days (hopefully) the sinus will improve. So the question is why do I have a sinus problem in the desert. Bob says, the humidity is higher here then it is suppose to because of the rains.

I don't know why California puts their welcome sign in blue. It makes it hard to see. But we crossed over yesterday and today.

Going back and forth across the Colorado River into California we've had to stop at these inspections. I remember this from when I was here with my girlfriend and her parents between our junior & senior year. It is called Inspection Agriculature Station, we haven't been asked any questions, just waved on through. Back when I was here before they ask if we had any fruit, we had to give it to them. They don't want you transporting fruit into California.

Crossing over the bridge of the Cololrado River. Will be seeing this many many times.

One of the stacks of baled hay.

One of the many hay fields we have seen here at the Colorado River area. Stacks and stacks of hay bales.