Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well, on Tuesday morning we left the beautiful mountains, wonderful cactus, and just fantastic scenery in Arizona and we are heading to San Antonio, Texas. Most of our drive was very nice, interesting, and just wonderful. Texas is a little boring in spots. We drove back to Phoenix from Bullhead City. Being we are taking a different route to Phoenix it was very interesting and nice.

When we were in Ehrenberg we camped by a couple from British Columbia, Canada. Had a very nice time with them. Actually exchanged email addresses too. We stopped at a campground in Benson, Arizona Tuesday Night, for just one night. We were very surprised, as they were too, to find them just two spots from us. After setting up trailer we got our "happy hour drinks" and headed to there outside happy hour gathering, had a very nice talk with them and others. Very nice to see them again. With most of the campers being members of membership parks, you find you are all moving from campground to campground.

We arrived outside of San Antonio, TX yesterday afternoon. This was about 1200 mile drive from Bullhead City, AZ. A day or two prior from arriving here, Bob told me I had a wimpy cough. Well, the wimpy cough has turned into a cold. Laura's comment was "how can you get a cold when you've been in 60's and 70's degree temperature". Well I don't know, but this afternoon Bob started feeling the cold too. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, we decided it is best we stay put inside for tomorrow.

The campground we are at is located next door to a exotic hunting ranch. We haven't seen any exotic animals yet. Bob seen some deer when he went out to town today. Hopefully we will see some before the week is done. I was trying to remember the animals they say is in there -- all I can remember is they memtioned Zebras.

We did get back into the hills after it being boring. This made it interesting again.

This was the boring part of Texas. It looked the same every mile we drove for awhile. As a guy we talked to at the campground in Van Horn (near New Mexico), he said Texas is way too long. Some areas are interesting, others boring

These two pictures of the "hills" in Texas. They look like someone just cut off the top to make them a flat-top hills. If we had seen these on the way to the Arizona they would have been referred as mountains, but seeing we seen the wonderful mountains in Arizona -- these are now hills.

We are now passing into Texas. Not a good picture of the Texas Star Sign. If I had waited there was a better one (just a sign welcoming you to Texas) just a little bit down the road. But no time to pick up camera, turn on, and take the picture. But now for the drive thru Texas. We had taken the northern route thru Dallas, now we are taking the southern to San Antonio.

We are in New Mexico at this point. There are many many dairy feed lots along route 10. Actually covers about a mile long. Yes, the fragrance is animal smell too.

You can actually see the road that we will be on as we drive on. Wish we were able to tell how far away that was.

It is very interesting that you find different cactuses in different places. Still on route 93

What a sight. This is a wonderful drive and not much traffic. Great drive

We drove from Bullhead City to Kingman, AZ and took route 93 to Pheonix. We were wanting to do route 40 over to New Mexico and then go south, but with winter weather you don't know how the weather will be when you get there.

Well there is our map on our slide-out part of the trailer. We will be in Lousiana on our way back so we will have the southern part of the United States all done. Kind of hard to do the northern part in the winter.