Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We are at a campground at Deming, NM. This campground is located over 5 miles off the beaten path. You actually drive through the desert back toward one of the mountains. This is the view from our trailer. Bob seen some Jack Rabbits here. I will be on the lookout for snakes and those horrible spiders.

You are going thought the "U. S. Border Patrol". You have been very close to the Mexico line during the drive, but you don't leave USA. Was surprised to go though a check out. But they just waved us and another RV right on by. Considering we could have Mexicans inside the RV I was surprised we weren't checked out more. Some they just talked to and on they went.

Soon after getting into New Mexico everyone is directed by signs to go through the "Inspection Station". Didn't know what for until getting closer to the buiding.

As I put this on the blog, not sure you can read what it says. But we entered the State of New Mexico. Good to be out of Texas, that state is just too big. It was 810 miles across Texas.

This was the beautiful sunrise at the campground this morning at VanHorn, Texas. We left there and about 5 minutes later we drove into Mountain Time Zone.