Friday, April 1, 2011

On Thursday, March 31, 2011 we left Tucumcari, NM at 8 a.m. Arrived in Oklahoma City around 3 p.m. When we went west we stayed in Oklahoma City and then south to Abilene, TX, now we are returning to Oklahoma City on Route 40. We stayed in the same campground as we did three months ago. It was surprising when we were in the office getting a site for the night the lady said to me "have you been here before - I recognize you". It was funny, we were there December 29.

We arrived today at Stanton, MO. We are 60 miles west of St. Louis, MO. It has been very good weather, no rain and temperatures have been real good. I am sure that is about to come to a halt.

We are thinking we will arrive home on Sunday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at home. Barbara Jean wants us to wait until Tuesday to come home. Only because we missed her birthday (she did get a card and $$ in the mail for her birthday) and she wants TJ to have his birthday without us there. LOL

It has been a long 14 weeks away from the kids & grandkids.

Can you tell this is the road sign for the Lone Star state. Okay, another case of 65 miles per hour and almost missed the sign.

These are the funny looking hills/mountains in Texas and some in Oklahoma. I call them flat-top hills.

Not a good picture, but going 65 mph and the road isn't smooth I think I did okay.