Monday, March 14, 2011

Had a fun day. Went to The Living Desert at Palm Desert. It was very interesting. It is actually set-up in the desert. There isn't a lot of landscape that needs to be done in a desert setting in the desert, LOL. Not expensive to go to either, it cost us $12.75.

Bob isn't usually interested in going to the zoo. Laura called when we were there and I told her where we were. She said, Mom isn't this the second zoo you've taken Dad to. LoL she was surprised. Little different going to one while away from home, instead of when you are home and he sees other things that he needs/wants to do.

This was the literature we were given with the map of the Living Desert inside.

The Welcome Sign. Couldn't get the whole sign in and be able to read it too.

This is a one hump camel. At San Diego Zoo we seen two hump camels. They are giving rides for $5.00. You can see in the back ground the other camel giving rides.

This is a young giraffe. I don't really know how old, but smaller than a full-size giraffe. I've heard before that the Mother giraffe has her baby while standing up. The baby when born is 5 feet tall (or long) and falls to the ground. Oh my goodness.

We are in the petting part of the zoo. Bob is talking to the lady about the african cattle you seen in the previous pages. Those horns are huge. They have veins in their horns that help keep them cooler in the summer, and warmer in winter.

Bighorn Ram

Another kind of cat type animal. Never heard of this one.

This was during a presentation on a stage. Can't tell you the name of this cat type animal. But you can see it is on a leash.

Well I almost missed this shot. Now we have pictures of Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, and Doris Day roads.