Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012 -- We visited the Challenger Space Center in Peoria, AZ today. The only pictures we took was of the art work on the walls. They say there is 48 of these different Challenger Space Centers around the United States. Had a very good tour and he had so much information. He has met a lot of the astronauts there at the center. Very interesting.

Oops, turn your computer on its side. LOL
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 (posted 3/1/12) -- You may or may not have noticed that I've been on-line for a few days. Well, I noticed it, LOL. I had computer problems, so I had to wait until I got to Goodyear (Phoenix area) to get Verizon to fix my problem. So up and running and hope it stays that way.

We drove from Bullhead City to Goodyear, AZ yesterday. Some beautiful scenery. I have posted some pictures from our drive here and also our drive to Oatman while in Bullhead City.

We went and bought ticket to go to the NASCAR races on Sunday at Phoenix. Really excited to see the race here. We have gone for a quite a few years to Michigan. We are only about 6 miles from the track. Normally at home Sheri & Laura are with us, but will really miss them on Sunday. Yes they offered to fly out here and go with us. But was going to use our checkbook. LOL love those kids.

Bob like this picture. We ate at Chilli's last night and this was at their "to go" parking space. Real cute

This and the next two pictures all go together. Picture of the Colorado River on our way from Bullhead City to Goodyear, AZ

The middle picture of the other two.

Look at this picture while thinking of the next two pictures. I really need a panoramic camera.

Our drive from Bullhead City, AZ to Goodyear, AZ. Traveled Arizona 95, some beautiful scenery.
Monday, February 27, 2012 -- (posted 3/1/12) -- This is our trip to Oatman, AZ. No matter how many times we go to Bullhead City we will make a trip to Oatman. Such a great old mining town.

Last year, Bob's brother Jr & Luanne were with us when we went there. So we thought of them a lot while there. Jr & Luanne really liked this place, as much as we do.

I do believe over the years they have really multiplied the number of burros. (I guess that makes sense, LOL) We were here in late March last year and seen more babies. This year, yup we seen mama's expecting their little ones. There was a couple small ones there already, don't know how old they were.

These walls are covered with $1.00 bills. The waitress told people next to us that they have it insurance for $80,???. This is the maximum they could insure it for, so there could be more.

It was started this way back in the mining time. A worker would post his $1.00 bill on the wall with his name, so when he came back they'd take his bill off that $1.00 bill. So it started that people now put their name on a $1.00 and tack it up there. There is many layers of $1.00 bills on the walls.

Yes, Bob was ready for a beer, or two. We stopped to have lunch at one of the two restaurants.

This burro looks like he is going to walk into this shop. The owner inside said they have never came into her shop. This is as far as they would go.

I was walking out one of the shops and here were these two burros. So cute.

This is one of the burros in Oatman, AZ.

This is the next three pictures are all taken on our way to Oatman, AZ. This was actually taken of the same rock formation, but from the back of the mountain. We were actually in Oatman with this picture.

Zoomed closer. I know this can get boring, but I just really like these pictures of what looks like the church.

This is the same church shape, just with the zoom lens.

Hope you can see what looks like a church in the mountain. Of course it is just shaped like a church. So cute