Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't seem to keep my connection and it is taking a lot of time to download each picture. Will finish the pictures from Lake Havasu City at a later date.

This was taken on our return trip to Arizona side of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The red & white boat is used to take a tour of Lake Havasu. Bob & I took that tour the last time we were here.

Just thought the girls would like to see that Dad was actually sitting outside with HIS SHOES OFF. LOL -- Sorry Dear, just had to show this on blog.
Here it is Thursday, February 18 and these pictures are from last Saturday. We had a great time at the fireworks. These fireworks are put on by the people that set off fireworks and the manufacturers come in with their product. They set them off for the people that buy them for the cities and etc.

They are setting off fireworks for four nights with Saturday being the biggest show. These pictures don't do justice, but normally that is the case when taking pictures of fireworks. This show lasted for one hour with it being a beautiful show to music and it was like a grand finale for that whole time.

We were told to get there by 4:00 because it will be a packed house. We were very lucky to get a seat on the bleachers. They started at dusk shooting off fireworks that the people like you and us would buy from home. I don't think the police in our areas would approve. LOL Then at 8:00 they started there show and what a show it was.

This is held at the race track at Lake Havasu City. They do this every year.

Beautiful sunsets out here.

These are all set with the fireworks in these tube type looking things.

This fireworks explosion is set off from gasoline. Setting in the bleachers (about 50 feet from the area where the fireworks are set off from) we could feel the heat from these gasoline fireworks.