Sunday, January 10, 2010

It was a very nice day today. The temperature was about 65 - 70 degrees, with partial sunshine. We enjoyed going for a walk in the campground. It is very different to observed where the RV's are from while we are in the western area instead of the eastern part of United States. We are use to seeing Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and etc. We are seeing Montana, South Dakato, Oregon, Alaska, and etc at the park now.

We arrived at Corinna's home in Tucson to go to dinner with her and her family. We had about a 30 minutes drive from where our trailer is parked. This is a picture of their house.

We went out to eat with Corinna, her husband; Ryan, their two childred; Max & Lucas, also his Dad and his lady friend. It is a great steak place, the steaks were very good. Had a very nice time.

When you go into the restaurant and it is the first time you've been there you take a tie and put it on. A while later they make a big deal about "no one wears a tie to Pinnacle Pete's Restaurant". Then they cut the bottom of the tie off. These are the ties that they have removed. Corinna's kids were real excited to have this happened to Bob.