Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012 -- Having a nice trip home. The next pictures are from the trip today and I've also posted pictures from the trip yesterday. Getting up every morning at 6:45 to get on the road. That is early after three months of getting up when you want to most of the time. LOL

The sign by the steak. (next picture).

This is what the signs along I-40 kept advertising. 72 ounce steak -- you eat it all in one hour and you get it free. This looks more like a roast instead of a steak. No we didn't do this. After eating I ask a waiter what is the price of the 72 ounce steak if you don't eat it all --- $72.00. OMG And yes there has been people that would eat it all.

Very nice dinner.

Wanted to show a picture of the inside, but not sure you can see anything. Used flash but just to far for flash to help

This is where we went for dinner tonight. Steak was good and the inside was really interesting. Last year we pasted through Amarillo and seen the signs for this place, so we decided to splurge and see what it is all about. Very good.

See the horns on the front of the limo.

We are staying tonight at Amarillo, TX. Very nice campground. Just down the road is a Texas Steak place. This is a limo that will come to the campground to pick you up to go to the restaurant. We went to the restaurant, but we had to unhook the truck anyhow to get diesel fuel so didn't need the limo.

We just can't believe the many many places in the west that have feeding lots for dairy cattle. Would like to be there to see the milk haulers pull in for their milk. This picture only shows a little area, it is a huge lot. Later we also seen beef cattle lots too.

And the Texas sign.

These signs, goodbye and hello, are hard to get on the camera. But it is the countdown going east.

We have just left Albuquerque, very pretty scenery as we are going east. We actually got to an elevation of 6800 ft going east from Albuquerque. (Just telling you I didn't know how to spell Albuquerque until I started typing this blog -- wow learned something new today).

This is a surprise to see so much water in the Rio Grande. We crossed the river just before we entered into Albuquerque. Albuquerque is a really nice looking city.

The beginning of our trip this morning. Very beautiful, I think sometimes the camera doesn't do justice to some of the scenery. We are still headed to Albuquerque, NM.
Thursday, March 22, 2012 -- (posted Friday, March 23, 2012)
Had a real nice drive from Casa Grande, AZ to Truth or Consequences, NM. The following pictures are during that drive.

This is the Rio Grande. There will be a better picture of it later to the north.

Interesting mountain and also the road sign. We ended up staying the night at Truth or Consequences, NM. The campground was 5 miles from I-25, way back in the desert. Very quiet campground. I didn't have any bars on my phone, figured okay no phone calls tonight. To my surprise a call came in from Peggy (Bob's niece) and yes even with no bars I could make another phone call. The computer also worked off and on.

You know we didn't use to have these modern conveniences, but now if you don't have them you seem cut off from the world. LOL Bob doesn't.

At this point we are heading north on I-25. We took I-10 to Las Cruces, NM and headed north to Albuquerque, NM. We have never made this trip on I-25. There was some really pretty mountains. Bob say "little red" doesn't like the mountains. But the truck does fine. (why Sheri name his truck little red, I don't know).

This is the Rio Grande. Yes, we are wondering why there isn't water in this river. Of course we all heard of the drought out west. You will see later in the pictures of water in the Rio Grande.

The continental Divide. This is before we got to Las Cruces, NM

We took I-10 into New Mexico and snow on the mountains in the distance.

In the same mountain area.

This is when we were leaving Arizona on route I-10. Huge rocks make up these mountains. Very interesting, it make you wondered how they stay put and not just fall.