Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - (Posted 3/15/2012) Barbara Jean's 15th birthday is today. Happy Birthday Barbara. Yesterday she found out she made it on the Lincoln High School JV Soccer Team. Very proud of her. Jessica is have try-outs for Lincoln High School Softball Team. Will not know until Friday or Monday what team she will be on.

Yesterday we (I) had a great time. I love to go to the zoo. This isn't one of Bob's favorite things to do, but he did fine. He actually told me when we got home that this is probably his last zoo. He says one giraffe whether it is at Toledo, San Diego, or Phoenix they all look alike. We did San Diego last year. That's fine, I appreciated him going to the zoo yesterday. It is a lot of walking and when it's hot it can be a long day.

It was a nice zoo. Because it was 80+ degrees there was a few animals that opted for shade and laying down. We were surprised some of those that were walking around. We were normally able to see the animals, even though they were laying down. Some zoos they can hide away and you can't even see the animals.

Very nice zoo.

These turtle are enjoying the hot sun. I wonder when they climb up on the piece of wood if the others think they will fall in the water. Now that would be neat to watch them climb up there.

This is a Mexican Wolf. I think we should send all of the Wolves in United State back to them.

More resting animals.

This is quite a stunt. This big takes a dollar bill (I'm sure he'd take a bigger one too) from a child and stuffs it into this slot in the bin. Not sure, but I think it was for endangered animals. Bob says it is for someones pocket, just kidding. It is neat to see him do this. You can imagine every child really wants to see him do this.

Some kind of stork.

Feeding time. They are so so tall, really tall.


This peacock is so pretty. He is on an area he would have had to fly to get upon. We were walking on the path and here it is. I'm going to show my stupidity on this peacock. I didn't realize they could fly. I would have liked to see that. He is just so big.

These are some kind of chicken. But man are they noisy. If they were in your back yard, they'd be on your dinner plate real quick.

So very pretty

Can't remember what kind of bear this is, but it doesn't hibernate. As big and furry as he is, you'd think he'd be resting in the shade. He was walking near us in his fenced in area.

This is the baby fawn of the Mother deer. We would notice her looking back at this area and then we seen why.

This is some kind of deer from Mexico. So small.

This is a Sand Hill Crane. Don't usually see these up close. Normally in the fields up by Chelsea/Stockbridge.

Out of all the big turtles I've seen, this is the only one that I've seen walking. To you it just looks like it is standing.

These turtle are huge.

Resting in the shade.

This was on our way to the Phoenix Zoo. Just an interesting little mountain.