Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 -- 6:00 p.m. -- We were on our way back to the resort when we decided to drive down the road and see if we could see the burros again. Was very surprise to see five in one spot and two down the road. The next two pictures is of them. So we seen 7 burros tonight.

We leave here in the morning.

This one was in a group of five. It was the only one that we could get a picture of before they took off. I didn't think the burros moved very fast, they do.

Down the road a piece were these two just taking there time.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 -- We arrived here at Earp, California yesterday. As you might guess this town was name for Wyatt Earp, he lived here while and had a mine here. We only had one hour drive from resort to resort and a time change from Arizona to California. But when we arrived here we found they go on Arizona time.

We have never been to this resort. Beautiful setting along the Colorado River. There is a sandy beach. We are the second row from the river. There is actually 410 camping sites in the resort. I'm trying to guess that the length of this resort along the river is probably (need to get Bob's guess)he said it thought he read it was 300 yards. Sooo, if we come back again next year we will try to book ourselves longer here. The weather today is to be 75.

I don't think I've ever explained that almost all of our membership parks have to be gated. (Really surprised when one isn't). Also you have a lot of activities planned during the winter months for the "snowbirds".

This picture is to show Jessica we have a palm tree of our own. Jessica, Max, Barbara are in Florida with Glenn at his parent's home.

yesterday, Jessica posted a palm tree. I told her last night I would post our palm trees. This is Barbara Jean's first trip to Florida, I'm sure she is having a good time.

Some real nice pontoon boats. One for sale $5,995. It would be fun to float up and down this river. To the north is not too far is Parker Dam (stop there), to the south you could (from what the map shows)go almost to Yuma,Imperial Dam is north of Yuma.

Testing the temperature of the Colorado River. OMG this is just melted snow. In between this picture and the next one was almost a "splash". I went to lose my balance and fall in this river. Bob really wanted the almost falling in the river shot. It would have taken me all day to warm up.

Not knowing what order this will be viewed. Bob wanted to catch my picture just before this. Was losing my balance from the other picture and thought I was going to fall in the river. It would have taken me all day to get warm. This water is melted snow temperature.

The row of RV's to the right, sandy beach, and Colorado River.