Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012 -- Started the day out by taking the truck, yes I took the truck girls, only went 1/2 mile down the road. Went to get my hair cut, never quite sure what to expect by having a stranger cut your hair. This place charges $20.00 for a hair cut (trim), which includes shampoo and blow dry. I only needed a trim, but got the shampoo anyhow, I went back to trailer to do my own. Hair cut was fine.

Then we went tire shopping. Dang I hate buying tires. Bob meant to do this before leaving home, but just never got to around to doing it. Soooo we bought tires for the truck today. Shopped at Sam's and back to resort for Happy Hour.

Now to report (kids say "did we ask") the temperature today was a high of 84 degrees and beautiful sunny day. So enjoying the weather very much.

This is Cathedral City, CA. The mountain was so big looking down the street.

We are back in Desert Hot Springs, CA. We were here last year. Beautiful area. This area has numerous wind turbines. The area is prone for windy weather, except for today. We didn't have any wind to speak of, in fact the wind mills were hardly moving.