Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are still at Deming, New Mexico. We will be here until Saturday morning. We took a drive toward one of the mountains. The area here is very flat until one of these mountains just springs up out of the desert. The area we are in consist of sage brush, open range, and desert. The eastern part of New Mexico is dealing with very cold temperatures for this area. The part we are in has colder than normal, but not as bad as the eastern part.

Upon driving different roads we were able to drive closer to the mountain. This is snow on the mountain. Sure would like to know the temperature up at the top of the mountain. Yesterday when we arrived it was 62 degrees. Today it only reached 43 degrees. At night we have to disconnect the hose because of temperature too low. At 6:30 p.m. it is 37 degrees.

Well this isn't a good picture, but there are Jackrabbits here. We are still trying to get a good picture of one.