Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012 -- Yes, we needed a repair job on both of our lazy boy, rocker recliner chairs. Bob had to tighten up the bolts and their was some that had come off. So take the staples out of the back of the chairs fix them. (Bob says, these guys and their staple guns, more staples that you need). Now they sit up straight. Maybe vibration up and down the road caused it. Six years of traveling. But fixed now.

I got mine done first yesterday so it felt real good last night.

With my wrist problem I haven't been golfing. We are going today, cheaper course so I can pay to go and just do putting. I think I can do that. Looking forward to going out on the golf course. It was last year when we were out here that I had to give it up. Surgery this past November and it still isn't fix.