Sunday, February 13, 2011

Had a nice time at the San Diego Zoo today. It is a very big zoo and has a lot of trees, shrubs, palm trees and so many other greens. The zoo is actually in town, but you wouldn't know it. The walking is a lot of going up and down hills.

I can remember years ago when watching Johnny Carson that Jack Hanna would bring in animals from the San Diego Zoo. (I know that dates me). I always wanted to go to the San Diego Zoo. Going to the Zoo isn't one of my husband's favorite things to do. He was so good to take me. The panda exhibit was really nice. It is all inside and you are suppose to be a quite as you can. They don't like a lot of noise.

This picture is blurry, but you can see it was a big map of the park. The worst part of the park is a lot of the area is up and down hills.

We have just gotten to the Zoo. You can take this from one end of the park to the other end. There was this, open bus with tour, and a express tour bus with four stops you could get off and on. Our ticket allowed us to ride on all three items without any other charges.

Oh yes, we are in this Skylift. Bob has always been a little afraid of heights. He suggested we go on this, but after getting off he said "That's enough of that". LOL

This is actually a reindeer.

Weird looking animal.

This was so awesome. We were told before going to the zoo that so many times the Tiger(s)don't come out so you can see them. He was out but not up close, then one of the workers through out a rabbit to the Tiger. He ran to get it and came in our direction. He was moving and hard to focus on him, but not a bad picture.

These are Koala Bears. They look so cuddly. Anywhere you seen a Koala Bear it was curled up sleeping in a tree. Very hard to get a real tood picture.

These Giraffes are standing here so nicely because they are being fed from the other side. In fact, if we understood you pay $5.00 to feed the Giraffe. It seems awful expensive to do, but you could get a nice picture of them.

They are so pretty.

One of the employees is up above this bear. I'm sure he thinks she has food for him. Sure enabled us to get a good picture of him on his hind legs.

Almost looks like one of the rocks. So big.


This Panda is going home with me, it just begged to go to Michigan.

We seen two Pandas. They are so cute.