Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This was a very long day. We left Dallas at 8:00 a.m. and arrived 530 miles later at Van Horn, Texas. We are 140 miles east of El Paso. We are in the area of some mountains. This is taken from the campground that we are at for the night.

As I told Jessica today, we will leave here in the morning and drive just a few miles (very few) and we will pass into Mountain Time Zone. She thought it was funny that we could leave here at 8:00 a.m. and drive a little and it will be 7:00 a.m.

We were just west of Fort Worth and the speedometer stopped working this morning. I checked the GPS and found a Chevrolet Dealership up ahead. We stopped there and they told us what was wrong and it would lay-up the truck for two days. So we went on and plan on getting it fixed in either Tucson or Sun City area. Of course later the speedometer started working, so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

We also seen so so many oil wells in the fields. It was just miles of oil wells. There was also a few refineries in the area too. In some areas there was storage tanks right by the oil wells.

There were different cotton fields along the way, some picked clean, some fields with a portion still in the field, and then a few fields like this. It appeared they hadn't harvested these fields. A lot of cotton is produced in the area of Texas that we were in.

Then there was an area about 50 miles long on route 20 that we seen numerous amounts of these wind turbines. There was probably hundreds in this whole area. It was surprising to see so many. We had discussed prior to seeing them that we expected to see them in Texas, but was never prepared to see so many.

This is a another herd of cattle. In some fields there are so many cattle, this was just a portion of the cattle in this field. We travels all the way across the state east to west in upper part and really didn't see in crops. There is just pastures and land that isn't use for anything.