Sunday, February 20, 2011

This picture was taken of the road outside the campground this morning. We left the campground yesterday and it looked like this. When we returned the water had gone down some, not much. But during the night it was raining again. Bob drove out to look at it before hooking onto the trailer. After driving through, which looked like raging water, I asked how deep do you think it was. He said he figured it was probably a foot deep. The problem is the road dips down at this point and the creek is there. All the water we got was coming down from the mountains and passing through.
These next four pictures are on our way from Jamul, CA to Corona, CA. Corona is near Anaheim. There was many beautiful sights during our drive.

Our reservations at the campground are a little messed up. We are settled here but the gate person didn't have our reservations. We will talk with the office tomorrow. Hopefully all will be good.

We were interested in all the different greens in the landscape on our way to Corona, CA

I just thought this was a pretty picture while on Route 15 with the mountains under the bridge.

This mountain has snow on top. While listening to the news tonight they said there was snow down to 2500 ft.