Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We had a very full day today. We left here this morning and drove about one hour into California.

We went to Joshua Tree National Park. We knew they had a tree there by that name, but otherwise wasn't sure what we'd see. It was very interesting. It probably took us about three hours to drive through this park, stopping in some areas to read the signs. The different types of cactus, mountains, and just sites.

We also stopped at General Patton's memorial Museum. We seen a film showing that he had started the training center here to train the guys in the army in order for them to fight in the weather conditions in Africa and overseas. It was very interesting.

This is the beginning of the Joshua Tree National Park.

This is a blossom on a Cholla Cactus.

This is the Cholla Cactus. They say don't touch or even let clothes touch the cactus because it will just grab hold. If it gets into the skin it is very hard and painful to get it out. They had what they called a path through the Cholla Cactus Garden, so you had to be careful.

This is suppose to show you how the huge boulders came out of the mountain years ago. You'll see the huge boulder closer in a couple of pictures after this.

This is actually what the National Park is named after, this is a Joshua Tree.

Huge boulders that they say came up out of the ground many many many years ago. They were huge.

This was a beautiful view. We had crested a hill and this was looking into a valley and across to mountains higher than us with snow on those mountains.