Wednesday, February 16, 2011

They had predicted rainy weather and cooler temperatures today. We hadn't planned to go anywhere, but around 1:00 we decided to take a drive down a road we hadn't traveled. There was so very pretty areas. It would have been much nicer if we'd had the sun shinning, but it wasn't.

The clouds were low and so some of the tops of the mountains are hidden.

I told Barbara Jean, after our ride around the mountains, that I want a car that is used for drivers training. I really need brakes on my side of the car. Bob is very careful, I just want to help him with the braking around the corners. LOL

Clouds into the mountain area. There is actually a mountain up higher that is almost hidden for view.

This is one of the mountain area that has the clouds into the mountains.

These are the types of curve (corners) that my brake wouldn't work. It was worse for the outside curves.