Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We drove to Oatman, AZ today. Had a real nice time. It is about 40 minutes from Bullhead City, AZ

This was an old mining town. They have all kinds of stores, ranging from arts & craft, clothing, knives, and old antique stores. Just kind of fun walking around town. They do a comedy gun fight in the center of town too.

The "wild" burros that wander into town are decendences of the burros that the miner left here when they gave up the mining business. These burros that come to town knows that they will probably get carrots to eat. There is places that sell carrots for feeding them. No one takes care of these burros, they just kind of come and goes as they please.

We left there and drove out the long way back to Bullhead City. We seen some very curvy roads and the wild burros out there. Beautiful area of mountains and valleys.

This is just one area of the town.

Such a cute little burro.

We ate lunch at the same bar in Oatman that Bob & I ate lunch in last year. This has dollar bills all over the walls. Goes back to the mining years. During the mining years, a miner would give the bartender a dollar to hold and when he'd come in his drinks would be subtracted from the dollar he left. There is some very old looking dollars on the wall. In fact, Jr noticed some that were just a little bigger in size than ours are now.

Bob seen this sign at the bar and just had to take a picture of it.

This and the next picture is the young ones. There was probably six young ones and we had never seen young ones there before. We were there much earlier last year. We've been to Oatman three times now.

I think he was so tired he just had to take a nap out along side the road.

After leaving Oatman we seen these burros in the desert. Bob estimated we were 10 miles outside of Oatman.

We came back to the trailer after traveling to Oatman. There is a hill behind our trailer with cactus plants. So Bob stayed at the trailer and the three of us went up to take the following pictures of the cactus. He said someone had to stay here to call 911 if any of us fell.

Jr was taking a picture of the cactus, so I took a picture of him.