Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is one of the pictures I took of Bob shooting. It was a very cloudy day and about 50 degrees. He had a great time. One of the stations they actually threw the skeet at was like two rabbits running on the ground.

This is a picture of one of the things that the skeets are thrown from when the button is pushed. I tried to take a picture of the skeets in the air -- they just go to fast and I couldn't find them in the camera screen.

This is a picture of Bob at the skeet shooting (sporting clays). The person by him is pushing the button to send off two different directions from each of the 14 stations that he shoots from.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This has been another interesting day. It wasn't long after getting up that the lights dimmed AGAIN. At this point we knew it had to be the converter. The office up front gave us a guys name to call, he would come to us to repair it. So it is fixed. Bob took the old battery to Auto Zone they tested it and is was a weak battery. So it looks like the battery and converter both went at the same time.

We are also the proud owner of a new tire for the trailer. Bob will put this on the trailer tomorrow and put the spare back UNDER the trailer. Needless to say we want to put these days behind us.

It has been a rainy day with the temperature about 43 degrees. So we weren't doing anything outside today. Bob has reservations to go do skeet shooting (sporting clays)
tomorrow. I think it was 10 years ago that he did it and has always wanted to do it again. The clays are thrown at different angles, even like rabits running on the ground. I thought I'd go watch this time, but depends on the temperature tomorrow. I know it is warmer here than in Michigan, but still chilly.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What a day this has been!!!! We were just west of Nashville on Route 40 when there was a POW!!!! - yup we blew a tire on the trailer, driver's side. So considering we took out RV AAA Road side service, we called them to change the tire. A little of a wait, but it was good to have them deal with changing the tire. So back on the road about 1-1/2 hours later. We need to get a new tire tomorrow.

Then we arrived a little south of Memphis, TN about 5:00 p.m. (We are in central time zone now). Got trailer all set up everything was fine. It was about 1/2 hour or so and the furnace shut off and some of the lights dimmed down. (We still need a furnace down here, about 38 degrees at 8:00 p.m.) Bob Checked to see if any damage was done from the blow out. There is some, but not to cause the 12 volt power trouble. So off to Auto Zone (7:00 p.m.)about 20 miles away to get a new battery. Good news finally --the battery took care of the problem. We are getting HEAT.

We will be camped here for about four days. We have driven in this area, thru Kentucky and Tennessee, which is normally so pretty. Well in the winter it isn't pretty with brown grass.

That's all for tonight.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Our trip for this winter started this morning. When we got up at 6:30 a.m. it was snowing. Decided to drive the car to Milan to check out the roads and have breakfast. (The truck was already hooked-up to the trailer) Arriving back home Bob decided the county had salted the intersections and expressway looked fine. So off we went. Left home at 8:30 a.m. We are stopped in Elizabethtown, KY, but it isn't much warmer here. It was 31 degrees when we stopped at 4:30 p.m. So we need to head south to find warmer weather.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Time is going so fast. We are planning on leaving for Arizona on December 29. This will all depend on the weather as to when we leave and which route we take. We are having a very nice Christmas and we hope everyone else is too.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We are still in Michigan. The last outdoor sport is over for our grandchildren. We are very pleased they are so involved in sports. We enjoy going to their games and supporting them in their sports.