Saturday, February 27, 2010

These pictures are from a trip we took from Bullhead City to Grand Canyon. This was a 197 miles ONE WAY. But it was really a nice trip. We had our fix on snow -- didn't know we needed one. While at Grand Canyon we seen the Grand Canyon IMAX movie. There was times while flying in the canyon you felt your stomach flip-flop. Beautiful Grand Canyon.

Well, Bob said he could tell what that mountain thinks of the whole thing.

This was on our way to Grand Canyon. It is always nice to see snow on the mountains, much better than on the road you are driving on.

There was about a foot of snow. So IF we NEEDED a snow fix -- we got it. No, I don't think we needed a snow fix. We did have to walk in snow and some ice too. As you can see the mirror to the truck is in the picture too.

We are on the road in the Grand Canyon National Park.

Not sure this is readable, but this was a sign at the Grand Canyon.
These three pictures are taken from our next stop at Bullhead City, AZ. This is located across the Colorado River from Laughlin, NV.

Camping area along side the Colorado River at Bullhead City, AZ

This is the Colorado River at Bullhead City, AZ.

We were in another area of the campground looking down at our trailer. Two Montana's parked next to each other. Ours is on the right. This is at Bullhead City, AZ
There was different things that we wanted to do on this trip. This was at the top of the list.

This is at Emerald Canyon Golf Course, which was 25 miles south of Lake Havasu City, AZ. One other time we came to Arizona we golfed this course. The weather turned misty and too cool while we were golfing. This time the weather was great. You are really golfing between mountains on each side of the fairway and the only green is the fairway, tees, greens. Great time

We are hitting from the tee down to the green area. Such great views

On our drive back to Lake Havasu City from golfing. Beautiful mountains.
This is February 27. I am finally able to get on internet. The last three weeks hasn't been a good areas for internet. While in Lake Havaus City you could get it once in awhile, but it most the time you couldn't get on the blog or read the emails.

So here is the pictures from Lake Havaus City, Az. The weather was great there and we had a great two weeks in that location.

This picture was taken from our campground.

We are about to cross the London Bridge at Lake Havasu City, AZ. Beautiful area.

Some activity on the Lake.

This is the London Bridge which was brough over here with numbered bricks to put back together here. It links the main part of Lake Havasu City to an island.

Picture from taking the boat ride. Beautiful area.

This is taken from the area of where the you take a boat to the other side of Lake Havasu City to Havasu Lake, California.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't seem to keep my connection and it is taking a lot of time to download each picture. Will finish the pictures from Lake Havasu City at a later date.

This was taken on our return trip to Arizona side of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The red & white boat is used to take a tour of Lake Havasu. Bob & I took that tour the last time we were here.

Just thought the girls would like to see that Dad was actually sitting outside with HIS SHOES OFF. LOL -- Sorry Dear, just had to show this on blog.
Here it is Thursday, February 18 and these pictures are from last Saturday. We had a great time at the fireworks. These fireworks are put on by the people that set off fireworks and the manufacturers come in with their product. They set them off for the people that buy them for the cities and etc.

They are setting off fireworks for four nights with Saturday being the biggest show. These pictures don't do justice, but normally that is the case when taking pictures of fireworks. This show lasted for one hour with it being a beautiful show to music and it was like a grand finale for that whole time.

We were told to get there by 4:00 because it will be a packed house. We were very lucky to get a seat on the bleachers. They started at dusk shooting off fireworks that the people like you and us would buy from home. I don't think the police in our areas would approve. LOL Then at 8:00 they started there show and what a show it was.

This is held at the race track at Lake Havasu City. They do this every year.

Beautiful sunsets out here.

These are all set with the fireworks in these tube type looking things.

This fireworks explosion is set off from gasoline. Setting in the bleachers (about 50 feet from the area where the fireworks are set off from) we could feel the heat from these gasoline fireworks.

Friday, February 12, 2010

For those of you that hasn't seen this before. You take the sticker that comes with the map and when you've been there you put that state's sticker on the map.

Grandkids remember our conversation while camping this past summer. You said we'd fill in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona while we were gone this coming Winter. So as you can see they are filled in. Now Grandpa and I are discussing the fact that the trailer will not be in California and Nevada, but we will be with just the truck. Now he says he will drive it into those states in order to say we were there. So he's putting a sticker on those states and I don't think he should. What is your opinion. LOL - It might not matter, but I want to hear your opinion.

Anyone else having opinion can email me or even call me. LOL
These nine pictures today are from the trip to Oakman, Arizona last Monday. I am finally able to get on the blog to download pictures. Today is a beautiful clear sunny day. There isn't a cloud in the sky and it is to be 73 today. Heading outside when I finish these pictures.

On our way to Oatman, Arizona, via of Route 66. There is about 25 miles of desert and mountains to get there. It sounds like a long drive, but it is very nice. I had to laugh when I said desert drive, that is what Arizona is -- desert. I have to limit myself to how many pictures of take of the different mountain ranges.

Look closely and you'll see the coyote. So nothing different from home having coyote. We've seen our third coyote here. We actually had one cross at the end of our campground, we aren't parked at the end, but we seen it in the middle of the day.

A picture of Oatman, old mining town, on Route 66. This is an old mining down with new merchandise for shopping. It also has shops with antique items Bob & I could remember our grandmother having in the kitchen and also antique used outside by the Grandfathers and Fathers. This place also had a comedy gun fight in the middle of the road. It is such a neat town. We were here on our last trip to Arizona in 2000 and nothing has changed. It stays an old town

Hopefully you can read this sign. It tells the story of Oatman and the burros.

This picture and the next are taken at Oatman Saloon, where we ate our lunch. We asked the bartender what the dollar bills signified. She said the miners made $1.00 a day and they would attach their dollar on the wall with their name on it and then when they'd get a drink a mark would be made on the dollar. The drink was ONLY $0.05each. That dollar would last a long time back then. LOL This whole saloon was covered with dollar bills.

This picture was taken as we were leaving Oatman. These burros were on their way into town. There is a picture taken telling about these burros. They aren't afraid of your car. They are hoping you will feed them.

This is one our way back to Lake Havasu from Oatman, AZ. We were in Oatman and on the way back to trailer we realized we had crossed into Nevada, then California and back to Arizona. All in a matter of a short time. This is the sun setting behind a mountain range.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Had a beautiful sunny day today. They had told us we were to get rain today. It went south of us.

I still don't have strong enough signal to download the pictures from Oatman. At some point I'll have better.

We went for a boat ride on Lake Havasu today. Beautiful scenery of both sides of the Lake. The cost was only $3.00 a piece and we had one free pass for the boat ride. LOL - reason there is a casino on the other side of the lake. The other side of the lake is in Calfornia. If there is a next time I'll take the camera. It takes 22 minutes to cross the lake.

It is suppose to warm up this weekend. We are suppose to be in the 70's starting Friday.

Until next time. Bye

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good Morning on February 9, 2010. This should have been posted last night, but couldn't get any signal last night. I am only posting a writing at this point. Can't load the pictures at this time, with the signal problem it takes too long to try to get one picture downloaded. Some real good pictures.

We traveled to Oatman, Arizona yesterday. We had visited this area 10 years when we were in Arizona. This is a very old mining town. Nothing much has changed in the structure of the buidings since the mining time. You travel 25 miles through desert and beautiful mountain area. At a later time I will download some pictures of this area. Ate at a old saloon and shopped in the stores.

Not planning anything for today. Sunny weather, but expecting rain later today and tomorrow. Seems like most of the USA is having problems with rain/snow issues. We would rather have the rain.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

For the third time I'll try to send this. LOL

I'm finally back on the blog. At one point since being on we didn't have much going on. Spent time with neighbors in the park, had happy hours and outside cookouts with them. Nice time, exchanged email address. One couple is from British Columbia the other from upstate California - near where my Aunt Vena lived. They are hoping that we return to that resort next year at the same time. Time will tell.

We left that resort yesterday and we are in Lake Havasu City, AZ for the next two weeks, which is only 90 miles from where we left yesterday and still along the Colorado River. Not sure how much computer usage I'll have. Yesterday had trouble getting on-line but thought it might be the weather. It was very cloudy and rains moving in and out. This morning more blue skies with little white clouds.

Was noticing yesterday that the NASCAR Dayota 500 race starts at noon in EST and PST at 9:00a.m. So we can see it at 10:00 a.m.. Seems really odd to start watching it in the morning. Wish I knew when they actually start racing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not much happening yesterday and today.

I did find I have a very helpful doctor's office in Milan. I knew I had bladder infection yesterday. Called the doctor's office and after a few calls back and forth they called a prescription to a Rite Aid store here. So doing fine with five days of medicine to take.

Today we did the laundry again. But after that we were very relaxed out in the sun on our concrete patio. The temperature here is probably around 70 degrees. But the sun is very warm and the sky is very blue.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We had a very full day today. We left here this morning and drove about one hour into California.

We went to Joshua Tree National Park. We knew they had a tree there by that name, but otherwise wasn't sure what we'd see. It was very interesting. It probably took us about three hours to drive through this park, stopping in some areas to read the signs. The different types of cactus, mountains, and just sites.

We also stopped at General Patton's memorial Museum. We seen a film showing that he had started the training center here to train the guys in the army in order for them to fight in the weather conditions in Africa and overseas. It was very interesting.

This is the beginning of the Joshua Tree National Park.

This is a blossom on a Cholla Cactus.

This is the Cholla Cactus. They say don't touch or even let clothes touch the cactus because it will just grab hold. If it gets into the skin it is very hard and painful to get it out. They had what they called a path through the Cholla Cactus Garden, so you had to be careful.