Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012 -- Arrived at Bullhead City, AZ on Wednesday. We will be spending a week here. We will not be going to Las Vegas, but it is only 90 miles from here.

We were disappointed in hearing that Bill and Chris Stout will not be joining us at this location. Chris is Bob's Cousin. But since we've been married so long .... she's my cousin too.

This is the location that Bob's Brother, Jr & Luanne meant up with us last year. We have great memories of them being here.

We are having really windy weather last night and today. Bob was going to go golfing today, but just too windy. Cancelled.

This is one of the mountain area we drove through. I really need a panoramic camera. Then I'd be clicking all the time. Love these digital cameras.

Bob said an Indian shot an arrow to lay this road. Some parts were flat ground and then a very nice drive through the mountain area. Never gone this way to Bullhead City, AZ

Another Agriculture check point going into California. It is funny, he refrained from asking is we had any fruit and vegetables. When you are carrying your kitchen with you there is a possibility you might have one of those items. But did ask if we had any fire wood.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 -- 6:00 p.m. -- We were on our way back to the resort when we decided to drive down the road and see if we could see the burros again. Was very surprise to see five in one spot and two down the road. The next two pictures is of them. So we seen 7 burros tonight.

We leave here in the morning.

This one was in a group of five. It was the only one that we could get a picture of before they took off. I didn't think the burros moved very fast, they do.

Down the road a piece were these two just taking there time.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 -- We arrived here at Earp, California yesterday. As you might guess this town was name for Wyatt Earp, he lived here while and had a mine here. We only had one hour drive from resort to resort and a time change from Arizona to California. But when we arrived here we found they go on Arizona time.

We have never been to this resort. Beautiful setting along the Colorado River. There is a sandy beach. We are the second row from the river. There is actually 410 camping sites in the resort. I'm trying to guess that the length of this resort along the river is probably (need to get Bob's guess)he said it thought he read it was 300 yards. Sooo, if we come back again next year we will try to book ourselves longer here. The weather today is to be 75.

I don't think I've ever explained that almost all of our membership parks have to be gated. (Really surprised when one isn't). Also you have a lot of activities planned during the winter months for the "snowbirds".

This picture is to show Jessica we have a palm tree of our own. Jessica, Max, Barbara are in Florida with Glenn at his parent's home.

yesterday, Jessica posted a palm tree. I told her last night I would post our palm trees. This is Barbara Jean's first trip to Florida, I'm sure she is having a good time.

Some real nice pontoon boats. One for sale $5,995. It would be fun to float up and down this river. To the north is not too far is Parker Dam (stop there), to the south you could (from what the map shows)go almost to Yuma,Imperial Dam is north of Yuma.

Testing the temperature of the Colorado River. OMG this is just melted snow. In between this picture and the next one was almost a "splash". I went to lose my balance and fall in this river. Bob really wanted the almost falling in the river shot. It would have taken me all day to warm up.

Not knowing what order this will be viewed. Bob wanted to catch my picture just before this. Was losing my balance from the other picture and thought I was going to fall in the river. It would have taken me all day to get warm. This water is melted snow temperature.

The row of RV's to the right, sandy beach, and Colorado River.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012 -- Very nice day today. But had to start out doing the laundry job. The weather was really nice, probably about 73 or so and a beautiful sunny day. Enjoyed sitting outside and reading. Finished another book. Went to the library in our trailer for the next book.

Will be leaving this resort for the next one tomorrow. It looks like there is a lot mountains around the resort, will see if we have internet service and also Directv. But we are only there for two days. OH NO and phone service too.
Saturday, February 18, 2012 -- The next two pictures are of the golf course. Was nice to get out on the course. I could only chip up and putt. Just had to keep the wrist straight to do the chipping. Putting worked good. For me really boring when you can't golf the whole course.

Golfing was by far the thing we loved to do while on our trips. But until I can find relief with this wrist problem it isn't something I can do. He doesn't like to leave me behind, but he is just going to after to do that.

The first tee on the course. See where Bob is standing, this is where you tee off and it goes down and out from there. Beautiful hole

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012 -- Yes, we needed a repair job on both of our lazy boy, rocker recliner chairs. Bob had to tighten up the bolts and their was some that had come off. So take the staples out of the back of the chairs fix them. (Bob says, these guys and their staple guns, more staples that you need). Now they sit up straight. Maybe vibration up and down the road caused it. Six years of traveling. But fixed now.

I got mine done first yesterday so it felt real good last night.

With my wrist problem I haven't been golfing. We are going today, cheaper course so I can pay to go and just do putting. I think I can do that. Looking forward to going out on the golf course. It was last year when we were out here that I had to give it up. Surgery this past November and it still isn't fix.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 -- Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We did some sight seeing and stopped for a dinner at a cafe in Parker, AZ

Decided to check out our next stopped up the river. We will only be staying there for 2 nights after leaving here next Monday, then we will go on to Bullhead City, AZ.

This resort is at Earp, CA. So you cross the Colorado River in Parker, AZ and head north along the River and beautiful mountains. It was a beautiful drive. We passed the resort and traveled on to Parker Dam. Then came back to Parker Dam. I called some of these mountains "majestic mountains". The formation and shapes.

Was a nice day.

Our drive from Ehrenberg, AZ to Parker, AZ. The mountains are very interesting with clouds in the sky. This mountain has sunny spots and where the clouds aren't letting the sun shine on the mountain.

The railroad bridge going over the Colorado River.

Crossing the Colorado River at Parker, Arizona. The Railroad bridge is at the top of this picture. We have seen the Colorado River at so many places in Arizona.

We had seen the signs along the road. Beware of Burros, could be in the roadway". Well, sure enough they were on Bob's side of the road. Check out the next picture, really close to us here.

We had been looking at the previous picture of the burros on Bob's side of the road. I said Oh wait look here. On my side of the road, between the road and the fence. Right there was this burro.

Really special when you see wild animals out here in the west.

This picture and the next picture is the Parker Dam. This Dam crosses the Colorado River between Parker, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ. This bridge isn't very wide. We only had the truck, in fact you can't pull and trailers, RVS, or big trucks across the bridge. I could see why, thank goodness I wasn't driving across this bridge.

This picture and the next one is our drive from Parker Dam back to Parker, AZ via Arizona side of the Colorado River. Many beautiful mountains along the river.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012 -- Had a great day at the Yuma Rodeo. We had to drive 1-1/2 hours to get there. But we have driven that drive other years, it is mostly desert driving on a good road.

The Rodeo last for 2-1/2 hours. I only took pictures of one of each event, as long as it turned out. Thank goodness for digital so you know how it looks and having a good zoom sure helps the pictures turn out too. We have gone to different Rodeos and really enjoy them. (I thought these pictures turned out so good).

After the Rodeo we went out to eat. The area we are parked in doesn't have the "Valentine" type restaurants so enjoyed going out early for the dinner at Logan's Steakhouse. We were back to the resort before dusk.

This young boy rode his pony around the arena and then put all feet on this stand while the National Anthem was sang by a teenager from Yuma. She did much better than some of the music stars do on TV.

Actually this guy stayed on a little longer to qualify for riding it to the end. I hope these guys have a good chiropractor after they get off these horses.

He roped the calf and he did get him tied too. After tying these calves they have to stay tied up for 6 seconds. There was a couple that didn't stay tied. Always sad after all the guys do up to that point.

During the rodeo we had different airplanes come into the Yuma International Airport and the United States Marine Corp Air Station across the road. The Airport and the Air Station share the some of the same facilities. Really don't know what this one was, but there was three different ones like this one.

One of the men riding the bucking horse.

This is one of the men that was riding the bucking horses. As you see the other rider is trying to help him get off the horse.

This is one of the little ones doing what is called "Mutten Busten". These little ones are usually 1, 2, 3, 4 years old. Not my little one. They hold on to the wool and ride. Usually doesn't last long. Cute to watch.

He has already ridden out and lassoed the calf. Now getting ready to tie him up. See next picture.

This is calf roping.

This is two men calf roping. One ropes the horn and one a leg, maybe two legs (?). Looks very difficult, keep the rope on the horn and also roping the leg.

Seen some great barrel racing by the girls. This is one. Sure miss the movement of the riders when taking their picture. LOL

Wow, Just love to see the bull riding, as long as know one gets hurt. After one of the riders got off the bull, the bull decided to take one of the other men up and over the fence. He was fine. These men can really hurry when a bull is after them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012 -- We went to Quartzsite, AZ today. Weather today is really nice, sunny and probably around 75 degrees. We thought we were going to have a breezy day, but it is really nice. Breezy got lost.

Went to Quartzsite, AZ. As we are looking at Quartzsite you can see all of the trailers in the distance. This is an area where a lot of RV'ers camp in the desert. They have gem & rock sales and also miscellaneous flea markets. So we walked around for awhile and then headed back to trailer, in the campground in Ehrenberg about 15 miles west of this area. Quite a place.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 -- We drove to Parker, AZ. These are the picture we took along the way.

This is a field of hay that they have started flooding.

This is a burned off field. We have never been in the area to know if it is a hay field, or if it is a cotton field. Never in the that area at the right time to know.

This was from our drive yesterday to Parker, AZ. The green is a hay field, bales of stacked hay from previous cutting, and the pretty mountains.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -- We started our day with breakfast at Denny's in Bythe, CA. Just going across the river. Then spend the day getting lost to go to Cibola Refuge (read more with pictures). But thank goodness we did finally get to where we wanted to go.

At this refuge they have many waterfowl (we were there at around 1:00 Pst and only seen the waterfowl). Mule deer, coyote, and bobcat are common mammals on the refuge. Occasionally you can spot mountain lion, kit fox, gray fox, and badgers too. Two years ago we did see the mule deer there.

The weather was cloudy but nice.

We have left the refuge now and almost back to our trailer when we seen the cloud of dust. He is really working up this soil. In this area they do the same with flooding their crops like they do in Yuma/Winterhaven. With the ground that dusty I'm sure glad they can flood their crops. Their main crops here is field after field of hay.

At some point during our trip out here we heard the United States send ship loads of hay to China. Never heard that before.

This was still in the refuge. He is raking the hay. There are 2000 acres that are farmed to provide food for the migrating and wintering waterfowl. Farmers harvest hay in the summer (last time I knew this was winter), and leave alfalfa, corn, milo, millet, and other crops for wildlife during the winter.

Then there was these sandhill Cranes. Many of them too. These were closer to us and zoomed them in to get their picture.

There was so so many geese. This is just a portion of the geese at the pond.

Obviously this is a close up of all the geese.

This is the sign after entering the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.

This is the "narrow" bridge to cross the Colorado River going from California to Arizona side. This bridge was installed by the farmers in the area. Years ago the county or state bridge was condemned and they wouldn't install another bridge. So the farmers installed their own. But they put up a sign that said "cross at your own risk" for liability purposes. Oh that makes me feel so SAFE. But it was there two years ago and still there -- so it must be okay.