Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yesterday and today was kinda one of those sit back and relax days.

Yesterday morning after Bob did all the drying of the dishes and was putting them away I dried the tupperware pan that the dishes drain into. I must have turned my wrist the wrong way and maybe pinched a nerve. The pain shot from my wrist into the palm and up to the two middle fingers. I really had no use of my right hand, the fingers even tingled different times. After awhile Bob went to the grocery store to get a few items. He also came home with a right wrist brace and I wore that the rest of the day and through the night.

This afternoon it started getting much better. The fingers and palm is fine. The wrist at times hurt, but not able to lift or push much now. But much better.

We did go walk through a arts & crafts show and an RV show in Quartzsite, AZ for a couple of hours. Enjoyed coming back to the trailer and relaxing outside with our books. Bob always wants to let people know the temperature, so he said to tell you it was 71 degrees today.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

We drove to Yuma, AZ this morning, going down on the Arizona side of Colorado River. It was about a two hour drive. These next three pictures are from our trip to Yuma. At one point in the south part of Yuma we were only 22 miles from Mexico. (Barbara Jean says that is just to close to Mexico). Going down we came across the Yuma Proving Grounds (Air Force) and GM Proving Grounds. Of couse you couldn't see anything. We did see a tank in the dessert, but these two grounds are back to back and we weren't sure which grounds it was on. Bob said he'd seen tanks at the Milford Proving Grounds in Michigan before, so it could have been GM's grounds.

When it was time to drive back we decided to drive back on the California side of the Colorado River. I told Bob I'd drive if he wanted me too, up to him. We already had been on this road from the north driving south and knew it was manly striaght down the road. So he got me to that road and I took over. Oh ya right, where did these mountains come from and it was like a roller coaster and around the mountains AND they tell you the speed limit is 65. Right, at that it should be 90 miles an hour on expressways. I had a car behind me -- came to a pull over to let faster traffic go by -- yup I pulled over. I told Bob I thought he was doing well with me driving this -- he said I'm find, but from my fingertips to elbow it is numb. LOL --- We made it!!! He never told me to let him drive.

We seen so many sheep and their new baby. (They weren't too old, so so little). They are turned lose on these alfalfa fields. They eat all the alfalfa until it is gone and then the field is plowed under. The sheep are then moved to another field.

They were picking head lettuce in this picture. Not sure it is close enough for you to see. These people walk with this apparatus and pick the head lettuce and put it on the conveyor belt. We have seen so many many fields of produce, such as; broccoli, onion and more onions, head lettuce, leaf lettuce, purple cabbage, and romaine lettuce.

I couldn't find anything I wanted. I still have a gift certificate for Penneys and some cash from my birthday gifts. I make sure I really want something before spending "free" money.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We decided to look up the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. We had an address and had looked it up on mapquest. Taking our GPS we headed out. We realized after awhile that "Alice" (this is the GPS's nickname, instead of Bob's nickname for her) didn't have this address in her system. We finally seen a sign to turn this direction. So we are going the right way now. We came upon a place which way do we go. We went one way when we seen this sign, "cross at your own risk". Oh no!! This didn't sound like the way to go. Turned around went the other way -- dead end. Bob said I think we should go that other way. Needless to say I have a problem with some bridges (most I like and think they are nice), but when it says cross at your own risk -- I planted my feet and held on. Second picture was the bridge. We made it!!! I have a problem taking a golf cart across a wooden bridge. Thank goodness this wasn't wooden.

The lady at the refuge said when the old bridge had to be replaced, California and Arizona both refused to put another one in. But the farmers in the area needed a bridge there, so they paid to have a new one installed. To cover them they had to put the sign up. She told us it was quite safe. LOL

This is what we were headed for with our adventure. This is Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. They said most of the Canada Geese come from Montana. There was a lot of Sandhill Cranes and assortment of other waterfowl. They have bobcats, coyotes, and mule deer. I also seen a sign they have Diamondhead Snakes.

We drove through the area and then walked about one mile into the area. I thought it best to keep my head down watching for the snakes. We didn't see anything other than waterfowl and deer, which was fine with me.

This is just a portion of the geese & ducks on the waters.

At the Refuge the sky is just black when the Canada Geese take off from the field & water.

These are mule deer at the Refuge.

This is an area of stacked bales of hay. This area grows so very very much hay, but without an site of livestock. The lady at the Cibola National Wildlife Refuse told us that the hay is grown here for feed lot of dairy farms in California.

Monday, January 25, 2010

This should have been put on the blog last night. But late yesterday I started having a problem with sinus. So last night I really didn't feel like doing anything.

We left the campground around 11:30 yesterday morning and went to a "sell-a-rama", one HUGE Flea Market at Quartzsite. We started out stopping at a rock, gem, stone or what have you flea market. Well to us one stone looks like another and we really didn't want to buy a "stone or rock"!!!

We walked around this other flea market for quite awhile. I had a lot of interesting things. A lot of people there and these are only held on weekends. There will be a Arts & Craft Fair next weekend. Plan to go to that, time will tell.

We left there and drove north to Parker, just site seeing. Decided to go on through and head back on the Calfornia side of Colorado River. When we went though the Inspection Agriculture station she ask where we had been and where we were going. Told her and said we were going back to Ehrenberg via Blythe. She told us to take this California 95, but there will be a place to turn left over the Colorado River and then go back to Ehrenberg. They had flooded area on California 95 side toward Blythe. That is from the rains that we got in Phoenix area.

Today we made the trip to Blythe to the grocery store. Otherwise we plan on staying put at the campground today. The sinus headache is still there and bending over makes the head feel like it is going to explode. Give a few days (hopefully) the sinus will improve. So the question is why do I have a sinus problem in the desert. Bob says, the humidity is higher here then it is suppose to because of the rains.

I don't know why California puts their welcome sign in blue. It makes it hard to see. But we crossed over yesterday and today.

Going back and forth across the Colorado River into California we've had to stop at these inspections. I remember this from when I was here with my girlfriend and her parents between our junior & senior year. It is called Inspection Agriculature Station, we haven't been asked any questions, just waved on through. Back when I was here before they ask if we had any fruit, we had to give it to them. They don't want you transporting fruit into California.

Crossing over the bridge of the Cololrado River. Will be seeing this many many times.

One of the stacks of baled hay.

One of the many hay fields we have seen here at the Colorado River area. Stacks and stacks of hay bales.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

We left Sun City today. Weather is good and we are headed west. We drove about 120 miles to our next stop at Ehrenberg, AZ. We are here for the next 14 days. Ehrenberg is located on Route 10 at the Arizona/California Line. This campground is on the Colorado River, I'll have pictures tomorrow. We can see the river from our campsite. We came through Quartzsite, AZ on the way here, we are about 18 miles from Quartzsite. That is an area that people actually park in the desert without any water or electricity, they call it dry camping. We seen an area where there was thousands of RV's park in the desert. Quartzsite is a area that has Rock & Mineral Shows during the winter months. The town has a population around 3500, but during January & February it swells to 1 million. I can remember my Aunt & Uncle coming here, they made jewerly from rocks found and purchased at places like this.

The trailer is all set-up and he is sitting in the sun with a glass of beer. He's relaxed.

This is when we are leaving the Phoenix area. This is actually a picture of the desert. But there isn't suppose to be water in the dessert.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Here it is Friday and we leave here tomorrow. So the one thing I hate to do while gone from home --- IS THE LAUNDRY. I'm spoiled by having my washer & dryer at home. Bob is very helpful and we do it together.

Always interesting to find out how things work at the any Laundry area, which this was a very nice clean Laundry area. This is a place you have to have a card with money on it and then you insert the card in the machines to get money into the washer/dryer. Would you believe the card cost $2.00 and then you put money on the card and yes, when you are done and whatever money is still on the card you lose it. It is a racket, if you live here you will be going back weekly, but if not it's not a good deal. We had finished the clothes - 5 loads and the socks weren't completely dry so you just put them back in and put the card in until they are dry, because the money will go the waste anyhow. So we only had something like $1.65 left on the care, not bad.

Except for the laundry set-up this has been a very nice park. We didn't have any problem with all the rains, our trailer was elevated from the road out front. It was very windy here last night, but with all these park model units you feel protected, not like in some campgrounds when you are the biggest.
This was actually from January 21, 2010:

Okay if you haven't yet seen on TV, ARIZONA IS FLOATING. All is fine with us. Sun City doesn't have storm sewers. They have these roads in this area sloped in the direction to get the water out to this next picture. We cancelled our plans to go with our friends to Sedona today. That was heading to the snow country, lots of snow falling up there. We have had around 2.6" of rain today. Sun City normally has only 3" of rain during the year. So glad we could be here for the great rain fall. From Tuesday's rain and today they say we've had 4.02" of rain, with the possibly of more tomorrow.

We went to our friends house today. Headed back to the trailer around 7:30 p.m. The road were unbelieveable. There was area that were really bad. The rain water from the side roads of the subdivisions have to come out to another road to work it's way to the 99th Street (where this picture is taken) and goes into this area between the north & south lanes of the road. Those areas where the side roads come out to meet another road were very very deep to get across, Bob estimated in some places it was a foot deep. Thank goodness we have the truck and not a car.

We are to leave here on Saturday. Sure hope everything dries up enough for us to leave here. All this started from California.

This is Fred Bush playing his own instrument. He can actually play a song on the instrument. He has glued little metal bells (without noise maker) to the finger tips of his golf gloves, he has a harmonica, metal washboard, and a cow bell attached to the side of the washboard. Really neat!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some of you know Fred Bush; Bob & I worked with him at A & L Parts. This is his wife Kay. We've had a very nice time spending time with them this week. Today we went golfing with them, then back to their house for dinner. Got rained off the course during the 16th hole. We are getting a lot of rain here, something the Phoenix people aren't use too. They said on the news that it was either last September or October since they've had rain.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bob & I went with Fred & Kay Bush to the thoroughbred horse races. Had a good time. We all won some and lost more, but had a good time. Bob took his truck into Chevy Dealership today and got the speedometer & gas gage fixed. Nice to see the speedometer working correctly.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is a picture of the street we have our trailer on in this park. There are actually park models in this park with scatter RV's. They actually limit the type of RV's that can be parked in this park. Must be over 24', no tents, pop-ups, none with rust on them, and etc. Pretty picky.

This is a picture at the back of our lot. The trailer is on the right side with the tree in the picture. The next picture will show you the type of tree. This would be so cool having it in your own backyard to pick whenever you need them.

Well this is a close-up picture of the tree by our trailer. This is a lemon tree, it is actually planted on the neighbors lot.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Well, we have arrived at Sun City near Phoenix, AZ. A little warmer at this point than what we have had. We are spending time with Fred & Kay Bush. Fred worked at A & L Parts/Allied, Inc. Had a real nice time with them today, sat outside there house which overlooks the golf course, then to dinner. Fred & Kay lives here in for about 6 months and then back to Michigan for the summer.

We celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary tody. Where does the time go. Of course as Bob says -- He went to Kindergarden and then got married. LOL

Friday, January 15, 2010

We sorted though all of the pictures we took today and could only narrow it down to nine pictures. Very interesting day today.

The sunrise yesterday morning. Last night Barbara Jean ask for a picture of either the sunrise or sunset. I told her Grandpa had taken one just that morning, so Barbara here it is.

This was a very interesting Pima Air & Space Museum to visit. We actually went on the Air Force Base in Tucson. Had to show picture ID a couple of times to enter. Of course on the way there I remembered I didn't have my drivers license, but in the truck we had our passports. I was saved from getting in trouble with the other half and having to turn around and go back. Thanks to Corrina Neal Eklund for recommending we visit this Museum.

This is what they call the boneyard. The boneyard is where they take all planes when they don't need them anymore. Sometimes when needed they are regenerated for use. Then sometimes they are just scrapped for parts. This covering is used to protect the plane from sand and the white color is to protect the plane from the heat in the summer.

This plane (Blackbird) could fly from Los Angles to Washington DC in 64 minutes. It was a spy plane. It became obsolete when they started using satellites for spying. This plane was made out of titanium because of the heat it generated when flying. It flew 2200 mph and the wing temperature was 650 degrees.

Information on the previous picture.

Airplane in the next picture.

As the sign before states this is the Airplane that was assigned to President Kennedy and Johnson. So this was the airplane that President Johnson took his oath after President Kennedy was shot in Dallas.

This mountain looks like the rocks are dark & light color, but it is actually shadows from the clouds on the mountains. With the temperature and the beautiful mountains I told Bob if it wasn't for my kids, grandchildren, and family I could live here. He said those are big reason you aren't going to live here, right. I said sure is.

This is our speedometer on the way back from the Air & Space Museum. It looks like Bob is trying to be one of the planes with high speed. This is why we have to find a Chevy Dealership next week. Sometimes the speedometer works, sometimes it doesn't. Bob usually drives by the tachometer.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yesterday was one of those days that we went to get a few groceries, did some errands, and sat outside the trailer enjoying the warmer weather. Laura made the mistake of calling and saying what are you doing. Her Dad told her sitting in the sun with sweat on my forehead. She said that wasn't nice with it cold at home.

Today we went golfing. It was nice to get out and golf, the course wasn't real nice , but the price was cheap. Can't have both. On our trip to the golf course we seen these trees, thank goodness there was a sign to identify the type of trees. (Pistachios)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today we drove to Tombstone, Arizona. This was about 30 miles south of Benson, Arizona. The main road (expressway) here is Route 10 and it is a busy road. The other roads are not busy, but they are really good roads. Beautiful mountain areas on our way south. During our drive there are a lot of signs on the roads to watch for animals, but I'm still looking for the animals.

After leaving Tombstone we drove over to Sierra Vista. On our way back to our campground we again went through a Border Patrol. They just kinda glance into the vehicle and wave you on. It is nice to see they are trying to check, but if you are illegal would you drive through this check point. LOL

One of the building at Tombstone, Arizona

We stopped at the Crystal Palace Saloon for lunch and as you can see Bob's beer. It is a really nice saloon.

This was our waitress at the Crystal Palace Saloon.

We went to a gun fight, this didn't have anything to do with the OK Corral, but was so interesting. There was stories with each gun fight. One was a guy that kept loosing at the poker game and he pulled the gun on the winner. You can see the smoke from the gun fire.

This is the fight between the Clantons and Wyatt Earp and his brothers. It was very good and about a 45 minutes show. During the day we kept hearing that this isn't the Hollywood version, this is the actual way it happened.

We stopped at "Boot Hill Cementary". This was one of the guys that was killed at the OK Corral. The three that were killed at the OK Corral were buried at this cemetary. But there was alot of graves marked "Unknown".

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It was a very nice day today. The temperature was about 65 - 70 degrees, with partial sunshine. We enjoyed going for a walk in the campground. It is very different to observed where the RV's are from while we are in the western area instead of the eastern part of United States. We are use to seeing Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and etc. We are seeing Montana, South Dakato, Oregon, Alaska, and etc at the park now.

We arrived at Corinna's home in Tucson to go to dinner with her and her family. We had about a 30 minutes drive from where our trailer is parked. This is a picture of their house.

We went out to eat with Corinna, her husband; Ryan, their two childred; Max & Lucas, also his Dad and his lady friend. It is a great steak place, the steaks were very good. Had a very nice time.

When you go into the restaurant and it is the first time you've been there you take a tie and put it on. A while later they make a big deal about "no one wears a tie to Pinnacle Pete's Restaurant". Then they cut the bottom of the tie off. These are the ties that they have removed. Corinna's kids were real excited to have this happened to Bob.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The sign actually reads "Arizona". That truck was in the wrong place and I had to take the picture before I really wanted to, so it is very difficult to read. But we are finally in Arizona. We drove in a lot of areas that posted "Caution Sand Storm Area". There was a lot of areas that were just sand. There was also a lot of land that had cattle on it and you just wondered how they got anything worth eating.

We are actually in Arizona and the temperature has finally improved. It was 62 degrees when we got to campground at Benson, Arizona. We will be camped here for one week and we will leave here on January 16 for Sun City (outside Phoenix).

This was like a boulder mountain. Sometimes seeing these mountains you just wondered how the huge boulder at the top stays there.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are still at Deming, New Mexico. We will be here until Saturday morning. We took a drive toward one of the mountains. The area here is very flat until one of these mountains just springs up out of the desert. The area we are in consist of sage brush, open range, and desert. The eastern part of New Mexico is dealing with very cold temperatures for this area. The part we are in has colder than normal, but not as bad as the eastern part.

Upon driving different roads we were able to drive closer to the mountain. This is snow on the mountain. Sure would like to know the temperature up at the top of the mountain. Yesterday when we arrived it was 62 degrees. Today it only reached 43 degrees. At night we have to disconnect the hose because of temperature too low. At 6:30 p.m. it is 37 degrees.

Well this isn't a good picture, but there are Jackrabbits here. We are still trying to get a good picture of one.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We are at a campground at Deming, NM. This campground is located over 5 miles off the beaten path. You actually drive through the desert back toward one of the mountains. This is the view from our trailer. Bob seen some Jack Rabbits here. I will be on the lookout for snakes and those horrible spiders.