Friday, January 22, 2010

This was actually from January 21, 2010:

Okay if you haven't yet seen on TV, ARIZONA IS FLOATING. All is fine with us. Sun City doesn't have storm sewers. They have these roads in this area sloped in the direction to get the water out to this next picture. We cancelled our plans to go with our friends to Sedona today. That was heading to the snow country, lots of snow falling up there. We have had around 2.6" of rain today. Sun City normally has only 3" of rain during the year. So glad we could be here for the great rain fall. From Tuesday's rain and today they say we've had 4.02" of rain, with the possibly of more tomorrow.

We went to our friends house today. Headed back to the trailer around 7:30 p.m. The road were unbelieveable. There was area that were really bad. The rain water from the side roads of the subdivisions have to come out to another road to work it's way to the 99th Street (where this picture is taken) and goes into this area between the north & south lanes of the road. Those areas where the side roads come out to meet another road were very very deep to get across, Bob estimated in some places it was a foot deep. Thank goodness we have the truck and not a car.

We are to leave here on Saturday. Sure hope everything dries up enough for us to leave here. All this started from California.