Friday, March 12, 2010

We have stayed in the park yesterday and plan to today. We just aren't getting better from these colds. Of course when you have two people ill, one feels better today, the other doesn't. Hopefully we can finish our sightseeing in San Antonio tomorrow, or it will be put off until another year. We leave here Sunday for Houston.

I hadn't mentioned that in the area we are in is a lot of Hunting Preserves and Dude Ranches. You can tell the hunting preserves with the tall fences along the roadside. The one next door to the campground has a website I found -- Could not believe what people pay to shoot these animals. They have all kinds of animals too.

A comment about President Johnson's Ranch. The Ranger was showing us just inside his backdoor he had a refrigerate tapper for beer. Anyone stopping in knew to come through the back door and get yourself a beer and then find them in the house. He said the people on the tour told him when leaving, I really never care for President Johnson, but now I think with the tapper I'll change my mind. LOL --- Bob & I thought it was funny, because when we decided to go see his ranch, we said we never liked him -- but lets see what the ranch and house was like. We have visited different presidents homes in the past.