We toured the LBJ National Park and Ranch. It was an interesting tour of the "Texas White House". The rangers give the tour and there comments are very interesting. He mentioned that Lady Bird didn't like the cattle part of the ranch, so when he died she sold off the cattle. The National Parks bought about 50 of them so the cattle on the ranch have the blood line from his cattle.
He also mention that she had asked the President if they could take out the tile floor in the dining room and put in a wooden floor. He said he didn't want to spend the money and the floor was fine. Ok, he died, and she changed it.
The family cementary is located here. This is where both President and Mrs. Johnson is buried. Their girls live in Austin Tx (Lucie), and Virginia (Lynda). About two or three times a month Lucie stops into the home. She brought back a big setting of china just awhile back and also gave her parents piano back to the home, as long as she could stop in and play in once in awhile.