Friday, December 31, 2010

Well the weather to the west was suppose to be bad for high profile vehicles again today. So we have decided to stay in Abilene, TX until Sunday. This will still allow us to be to our reservation in Casa Grande, AZ on January 4 as scheduled.

We went to Red Lobster tonight and to see Little Focker Movie to celebrate another year. The GPS is great to get around a town you don't know anything about.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of our friends and family.

----GO MICHIGAN---- Gator Bowl tomorrow.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010 - Last night we noticed if we took our planned route we were driving into very windy conditions on route 40, which was taking us to Amarillo, TX. So do we stay one more day here and let it pass? But that didn't look good either. So we quickly packed up, slid in the sides, and away we went, heading south. We are now in Abilene, TX, good decision seeing it is 77 degrees at 3:30.

Taking the drive from Oklahoma City to Abilene we passed many fields of previously picked cotton. The next two pictures are big bales of cotton in the fields. It is so interesting taking pictures while driving 65 miles per hour with a digital camera. The first one I almost missed, then the next one you see is pretty good. Didn't show you the missed ones with nothing but the field. LOL

I don't have to explain the last picture. I actually put on flip flops to go out and take the picture. It is very nice, but I believe we are to get cooler temperature, 53 tomorrow. I just looked and they are to have windy conditions tomorrow. So we may not have escaped the wind, but we did get 77 degree day and we wouldn't have up north further. So heading outside with a glass of wine and a good book.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

We arrived in Oklahoma City today around 1:30. We finally solved a question we had last year while driving across Texas two times. Where were all the beef cattle??? We found them in Oklahoma. It is very nice to drive along and see so many scattered about.

After setting up the trailer we took off for the "Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum". It was very touching. Note the pictures - The monumental gates as you enter the empty chair display each have a time stamped on them. 9:01 and 9:03, this is the time on each side of the bombing. The bombing took place at 9:02 on April 19, 1995.

There is 168 empty chairs symbolizing a life lost. Of that 168 chairs, there is 19 little chairs for the children that was lost. Then we went into the museum, it starts out with a heading. "A day like any other day". Then they walk you through the events and sounds. Even through we read and heard on TV what happened, it is really different reliving it through their eyes.

Any of you that gets a chance to view this scene, it is really worth the visit.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010 --- We are in Miami, Oklahoma for the night. We are finally where there isn't any snow. Our trip from Carlyle, Il today went well, it could have been worse. We stopped at a rest area and Bob looked at the tires, as he normally does when we stop. One didn't look real good, little bit of a bulge. So 5 miles up the road was a "Big O Tires". Thank goodness, this way we got a new tire before it blew and damaged the trailer. Tomorrow we plan to drive to Oklahoma City.

December 27, 2010 --- We left home this morning at 8:00 a.m. Drove to Toledo across to Fort Wayne to Indianapolis, and 50 miles east of St. Louis, MO. While driving Max (grandson) wanted me to text him when we got to another state. Max & Jessica went with their Father to Mall of America. It was funny when I texted him we were in Missouri and just crossed the Mississippi River -- he texted back we are just about to go over the Mississippi River too. How cute.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Here it is the day after Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas with our family. We started packing the trailer the other day, so today we get serious. Plan to pull out the first thing tomorrow morning. Three months is a long time to be away from the kids and grandkids. Thank goodness for cell phones and computers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello -- Here we are within two weeks of leaving for the Arizona/California area. We hope to pull out on December 27. Of course, it will depend on the weather. I will post things as we go. Have a wonderful Christmas Season.