December 30, 2010 - Last night we noticed if we took our planned route we were driving into very windy conditions on route 40, which was taking us to Amarillo, TX. So do we stay one more day here and let it pass? But that didn't look good either. So we quickly packed up, slid in the sides, and away we went, heading south. We are now in Abilene, TX, good decision seeing it is 77 degrees at 3:30.
Taking the drive from Oklahoma City to Abilene we passed many fields of previously picked cotton. The next two pictures are big bales of cotton in the fields. It is so interesting taking pictures while driving 65 miles per hour with a digital camera. The first one I almost missed, then the next one you see is pretty good. Didn't show you the missed ones with nothing but the field. LOL
I don't have to explain the last picture. I actually put on flip flops to go out and take the picture. It is very nice, but I believe we are to get cooler temperature, 53 tomorrow. I just looked and they are to have windy conditions tomorrow. So we may not have escaped the wind, but we did get 77 degree day and we wouldn't have up north further. So heading outside with a glass of wine and a good book.