Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anxious for the U of M football season to begin with our new coach, Brady Hoke.

While we were out and about we seen a guy with a Detroit Tigers shirt. Ask him if he was from Michgian. He said yes, Lansing. Where were we from, said Ann Arbor. He mentioned something about football. Bob told him we got a new coach, he said we really liked the coach you had and were disappointed when he got fired. I said "I bet you were".

We went to Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Pictures to follow after to follow. These were the Hohokam community. Some indian tribes are decendence of this community. Still trying to sort out some of the information, but the tour person said it goes back to 300 (common Era) and disbanding around 1400.

We were never into ruins, but it was interesting.