Sunday, January 23, 2011 -- We made the trip from Goodyear, AZ to Yuma, AZ. An horrible trip. We were to take 1-1/2 to 2 hrs to drive and it took us 3-1/2 hrs.
The first picture is the welcome sign to Buckeye, AZ. Little did I know when I took this picture that there would be a story behind the picture. Buckeye, AZ, something like Columbus, OH. a Michigan vehicle passes thought isn't good. Little bit down the road we heard a noise. Pulled off the road and Bob checked the tires (which we didn't think it was a tire) and then raised the hood. Found a hose off the blower for the deasel engine. With this off you don't have power. Also found a bolt in one of the tires, he could hear a air leak -- so changed the tire and put the hose back together.
We drove quite awhile and it happened again. Got out and fixed the hose again. At this point we were trying to make it up an incline, of course it takes more power. It was just a little bit more and off it came. We were at the top of the hill on a bridge. So from there (last picture) we had mostly downhill and flat area. So going no more than 50miles a hr and me praying we would get to the campgound.
We did get to the campground yesterday.