Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011 -- (I'm posting this after 9:00 p.m. so it will date it Saturday, that is why I'm putting the proper date).

Yesterday, we actually didn't do anything. Well I guess that isn't true. We are parked in a non-sewer spot. So after 11 days we had to dump. So that was our activity for the day. LOL

Today, started out the day with doing laundry. Got that done for another week to 10 days. Then we went to a movie. We seen "Just go with it", with Jennifer Aniston & Adam Sandler. This was a great movie, we both laughed a lot.

Ate dinner at a sports bar in El Cajon. Just for information the 'J's' are spoken like 'h'. I really think they should just spell the word that way.

It is raining today and the temperature got to 66 degress this morning before it started raining.