Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

We made the move this morning for our next resort. It is very windy too. Bob says it is probably 50 to 60 miles per hour. This started about 3:00 yesterday and it has still been continuing. During our drive today there was blowing sand. It was so surprising how the clouds covered the top of the mountains and the blowing sand in places made seeing the mountains difficult.

So we are now at Desert Hot Springs. We will be here for two weeks. The name of this resort is Desert Pools RV Resort, named this way because this is the area of natural mineral springs. They have three hot tubs that are fed with hot natural mineral spring water. Each one is set at a different temperature. We haven't seen them yet because of the very windy weather. Hopefully I have understood the mineral spring waters here.

Regarding our Microwave problem: We have decided to live without the use of the microwave. As I remember we didn't use to have microwaves. The company we reached about our problem will send the part to our house. Bob can fix it after we get home. If I have a problem cooking ------ we will just eat out. LOL