Monday, March 26, 2012 -- Arrived home at 4:10 this afternoon. Had a great winter in Arizona and California. Seen friends we've made out there. It is a long trip out there and back, but we really love that area. It was probably 2100 miles to home from Casa Grande, Arizona. Haven't taken the exact mileage when we got home, but that is what we figured it would be last night.
It was so very nice to have Sheri family, Laura's family, Hannah, and Megan here to welcome us home.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012 -- We are parked at Miami, OK for the night. This is real close to the Missouri border. We have had one day with 413 miles and yesterday and today with 450 miles. Seen so so many beef cattle today. Oklahoma is a very nice state to drive through. Bob has been checking out the farming fields. He needs to come out here after the crops have been planted.
Friday, March 23, 2012
This is what the signs along I-40 kept advertising. 72 ounce steak -- you eat it all in one hour and you get it free. This looks more like a roast instead of a steak. No we didn't do this. After eating I ask a waiter what is the price of the 72 ounce steak if you don't eat it all --- $72.00. OMG And yes there has been people that would eat it all.
We are staying tonight at Amarillo, TX. Very nice campground. Just down the road is a Texas Steak place. This is a limo that will come to the campground to pick you up to go to the restaurant. We went to the restaurant, but we had to unhook the truck anyhow to get diesel fuel so didn't need the limo.
Interesting mountain and also the road sign. We ended up staying the night at Truth or Consequences, NM. The campground was 5 miles from I-25, way back in the desert. Very quiet campground. I didn't have any bars on my phone, figured okay no phone calls tonight. To my surprise a call came in from Peggy (Bob's niece) and yes even with no bars I could make another phone call. The computer also worked off and on.
You know we didn't use to have these modern conveniences, but now if you don't have them you seem cut off from the world. LOL Bob doesn't.
At this point we are heading north on I-25. We took I-10 to Las Cruces, NM and headed north to Albuquerque, NM. We have never made this trip on I-25. There was some really pretty mountains. Bob say "little red" doesn't like the mountains. But the truck does fine. (why Sheri name his truck little red, I don't know).
This is the Rio Grande. Yes, we are wondering why there isn't water in this river. Of course we all heard of the drought out west. You will see later in the pictures of water in the Rio Grande.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012 -- We left Arizona this morning. Arrived at Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Yup that is the town name.
Bob's cousin, Chris Delf Stout called today letting us know that her husband, Bill had passed away. They are more than cousins, they are very good friends. We will miss Bill very much. He fought Colan Cancer for over 1-1/2 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris.
I will have pictures of todays trip. Just too tired tonight to post them now.
Bob's cousin, Chris Delf Stout called today letting us know that her husband, Bill had passed away. They are more than cousins, they are very good friends. We will miss Bill very much. He fought Colan Cancer for over 1-1/2 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris.
I will have pictures of todays trip. Just too tired tonight to post them now.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012 -- We had a very windy day yesterday. Temperatures were 80 or so. But that was blowing in the cold front. We had rain and very windy during the night. Today at 10:00 a.m. it was 48 degrees. Now at 12:45 p.m. we are having rain and hail. That is what the next two pictures are; hail on the back bummer of the truck. We are suppose to get to 58 today, we won't unless the sun comes out.
We will be cool until Wednesday, I see they've change to high on Wednesday to 73 degrees, then Thursday it is suppose to be 82. Wednesday should be a nice day. We leave here on Thursday morning.
We will be cool until Wednesday, I see they've change to high on Wednesday to 73 degrees, then Thursday it is suppose to be 82. Wednesday should be a nice day. We leave here on Thursday morning.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - (Posted 3/15/2012) Barbara Jean's 15th birthday is today. Happy Birthday Barbara. Yesterday she found out she made it on the Lincoln High School JV Soccer Team. Very proud of her. Jessica is have try-outs for Lincoln High School Softball Team. Will not know until Friday or Monday what team she will be on.
Yesterday we (I) had a great time. I love to go to the zoo. This isn't one of Bob's favorite things to do, but he did fine. He actually told me when we got home that this is probably his last zoo. He says one giraffe whether it is at Toledo, San Diego, or Phoenix they all look alike. We did San Diego last year. That's fine, I appreciated him going to the zoo yesterday. It is a lot of walking and when it's hot it can be a long day.
It was a nice zoo. Because it was 80+ degrees there was a few animals that opted for shade and laying down. We were surprised some of those that were walking around. We were normally able to see the animals, even though they were laying down. Some zoos they can hide away and you can't even see the animals.
Yesterday we (I) had a great time. I love to go to the zoo. This isn't one of Bob's favorite things to do, but he did fine. He actually told me when we got home that this is probably his last zoo. He says one giraffe whether it is at Toledo, San Diego, or Phoenix they all look alike. We did San Diego last year. That's fine, I appreciated him going to the zoo yesterday. It is a lot of walking and when it's hot it can be a long day.
It was a nice zoo. Because it was 80+ degrees there was a few animals that opted for shade and laying down. We were surprised some of those that were walking around. We were normally able to see the animals, even though they were laying down. Some zoos they can hide away and you can't even see the animals.
This is quite a stunt. This big takes a dollar bill (I'm sure he'd take a bigger one too) from a child and stuffs it into this slot in the bin. Not sure, but I think it was for endangered animals. Bob says it is for someones pocket, just kidding. It is neat to see him do this. You can imagine every child really wants to see him do this.
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