Sunday, January 28, 2012 -- Beautiful weather we are having. No wind and 77 degrees, really nice. Every once in a while we have windy weather. They will give us high wind warning when that happens. The one we had for Friday was 25 - 30 mph with gust at 60. We had those warnings on Friday. One of the towns, Desert Springs, had 90 mph winds a week ago and had a lot of damage. Sure don't want to be here during those winds.
We are traveling in most of the same places we were in last year, so not as many pictures this year. Spending time with friends we've met other years and making new ones this year. Duke and Donna will be leaving on Tuesday morning, but we will meet up again at our last resort. This is our third year of meeting up with them at different resorts. It is funny you make up your schedule send it to each other and it is always surprising when you realize you will actually be able to see them at different resorts.
We are at Desert Hot Springs earlier this year that we were last year. Enjoyed seeing the blooms on the cactus last year, but too early for them to be in bloom this year.
We have scheduled to go on a "Windmill Tour" on Tuesday. This sounds interesting.