Saturday, January 22, 2012 -- Went into town to have lunch at Yuma Landing Bar & Grill. It was a great place to have lunch, watched the first half of the AFC Football Game. Finished the game back home. Big screen TV and many others. Was surprised to see they had a betting window for horse racing too.
We were going out for dinner, but the AFC game starts here at 4:30 and Bob wanted to be home to see the whole game.
We will be leaving in the morning for Indio, CA. This is a little to the west (about 40 miles) and then straight up north. It will take us about 2-1/2 hrs. Will be there and then move about 1/2 hr to the west for 12 days. In between these two locations is Palm Springs, CA. Palm Springs is the place that Bob Hope had is golf tournament.
Weather has been very nice. It gets cool at night, because of the clear sky's. But warms up ok by noon or so.