This and the next picture are about the following. We had a beautiful day here. We went out to a flea market (new & used stuff). Nice day to walk around outside.
While there the winds picked up at about 3:00 p.m. This was the site on our way back to the trailer. Bob guesses the wind would have been around 40 mph. It doesn't take much for the wind to blow the sand/dust around and cause this kind of a look. We knew they had called for windy weather, but was so surprised when it started because it was so clear, sunny, and warm until 3:00 and then the wind started blowing. Today we heard on the news that Palm Springs, CA (near where we are going for the next two weeks starting tomorrow) had 90 mph. This is where the PGA Tournament was held this week. Can't imagine the winds that high, and DON'T WANT TO SEE IT EITHER.